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Seeing Red

Cicada renews his murder spree against metas and cripples XS, causing Flash to lose control. Meanwhile, Killer Frost worries that she'll be destroyed by the cure Caitlin is working on, and Sherloque continues trying to unravel the mystery behind Nora's journal.

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By Gadfly on Jan 23, 2019

Dr. Ambres returns to Orlin's home with supplies, and Orlin comes up behind her and asks if anyone followed him. She says that no one did and that it's been week since he's encountered Flash. He says that his injuries are fine and asks how Grace is, and Ambres says that she's stable and CCPD haven't moved. Orlin tells her that he needs to see her, and Ambres tells him that he should be angry after everything he's suffered at the hands of the meta. She shows Orlin a police file and says that she…

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Episode Discussion

tnt posted 6 years ago

That's so annoying when the team acts like a bunch of retards, over and over again...

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