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Yo Gabba GabbaLand!

Yo Gabba GabbaLand! invites audiences to explore a magical world of endless possibilities and promise with friends both familiar and new, in a reimagining that brings to life an expansive Yo Gabba GabbaLand. Filled with optimism and fun, kids and families are taught life lessons through song and dance that allow them to learn, laugh and grow together.

Show Info

Web channel: Apple TV+ (2024 - now)
Average Runtime: 25 minutes
Status: To Be Determined
Show Type: Variety
Genres: ChildrenFamilyMusic
Episodes ordered: 10 episodes

Official site:

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Previous Episode


Episode 1x10; Aug 9, 2024

The friends dabble in daydreaming and explore things that make them think—including blooming flowers, bouncing animals, and feelings.

Previous Episodes

Episode NameAirdateTrailer
1x10: WonderAug 9, 2024
1x09: GrowAug 9, 2024
1x08: SillyAug 9, 2024
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