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Dirty Sally - Episode Guide

Season 1

Right of Way

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Jan 11, 1974

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Sally intervenes when a land baron attempts to expel a pig farmer from his own property. Sally is suspicious, but Pike feels that he is seeing a dream from heaven when they find Samantha, a beautiful young girl sitting alone along a mountain trail.


Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Jan 18, 1974

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Dirty Sally's mule, Worthless, goes missing and turns up working crops for five poor youngsters. A tale about five children, the oldest nearly 15, who are struggling to run a farm on their own—which isn't easy when their only mule is at death's door. 


Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Feb 1, 1974

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Wimmen's Rights

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Mar 15, 1974

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"Wimmen's Rights," or how Sally reacts to being thrown out of a men-only saloon. 

Honk 'em, Squonk 'em, Git the Wampum

Episode: 1x13 | Airdate: Apr 19, 1974

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Sally decides to beat a gang of con men at their own game by getting a reluctant Pike to pose as a famous outlaw whileshe poses as his mother.

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