When supernatural creatures – nicknamed ‘Spookies' - start appearing in the small Australian town of Sunny Valley, long-time Spookyphile Bert is thrilled. He assembles the ‘Spooky Crew,' consisting of his best bud and gadget queen Xena, his super-cool sorta step-sis Billie, and Derek, their school's sports captain - an ‘undercover agent' who keeps his Spooky beliefs a secret. Their mission: to capture the ‘Spookies,' figure out where they're coming from, and safely return them ‘home' – wherever that may be!
The series blends contemporary characters and retro delights from the 80s and 90s with mystery, humour, nostalgia and just the right amount of scary. Each episode features a new Spooky surprise, from a humungous flying clown head to a punk rock truth fairy and even a Fart Blob.