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Lost - Episode Guide

Season 1

Pilot (1)

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Sep 22, 2004

Pilot (1)

Out of the blackness, the first thing Jack senses is pain. Then burning sun. A Bamboo forest. Smoke. Screams. With a rush comes the horrible awareness that the plane he was on tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island. From there it's a blur, as his doctor's instinct kicks in: people need his help.

Pilot (2)

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Sep 29, 2004

Pilot (2)

The discovery of a transceiver among the plane's wreckage and the thought that rescue could be imminent temporarily raises the castaways' spirits. And the island's mysteries continue to baffle with the discovery of handcuffs, a gun and an animal that shouldn't be able to survive in a tropical climate.

Tabula Rasa

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Oct 6, 2004

Tabula Rasa

Jack and Hurley discover an alarming secret about Kate, as the marshal's life hangs in the balance. Meanwhile Kate, Charlie, Sawyer, Sayid, Boone and Shannon ponder the island's mysteries they've uncovered and worry that telling the other survivors will cause panic, and Locke's befriending of Walt disturbs Michael.


Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Oct 13, 2004


Survivors are jolted awake in the middle of the night when wild island beasts invade the beach encampment. Kate and Michael join the mysterious Locke on a hunt for food -- and a shocking secret about Locke is revealed. Meanwhile, some survivors are horrified by Jack's plan for the dead bodies still scattered among the wreckage, and Jack sees someone in the jungle who might not have been on the plane.

White Rabbit

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: Oct 20, 2004

White Rabbit

Jack is near delirious from lack of sleep and struggles to overcome the haunting events that brought him to Australia and, subsequently, to the island. Meanwhile, Boone gets caught in a treacherous riptide, the pregnant Claire's health takes a bad turn, and a thief may have stolen the last bottles of water.

House of the Rising Sun

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Oct 27, 2004

House of the Rising Sun

Walt and the others are shocked when Michael is brutally beaten, but only the non-English-speaking Jin and Sun know the truth behind the attack. Meanwhile Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Sayid argue about where the survivors should camp -- on the beach, where they're more likely to be seen, or in a remote inland valley where fresh water abounds; and Locke discovers Charlie's secret

The Moth

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: Nov 3, 2004

The Moth

Charlie begins a painful journey of withdrawal from drugs, surprisingly aided by Locke, whose true motive for helping Charlie is a mystery. Meanwhile, survivors struggle to find and free Jack when he's buried alive in a cave collapse, and someone might be secretly thwarting Sayid, Kate, and Boone when they enact a plan to find the source of the French transmission.

Confidence Man

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: Nov 10, 2004

Confidence Man

When Shannon suffers an asthma attack, Jack and Sayid realize brutality might be the only way to convince Sawyer to relinquish the life-saving medicine he's hoarding. Meanwhile, Sun struggles to decide if she'll obey husband Jin's orders to stay out of others' affairs, and Kate uncovers some shocking secrets about Sawyer.


Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Nov 17, 2004


Sayid's life is placed in grave danger after he stumbles upon the source of the mysterious French transmission. Meanwhile, Hurley has a ridiculous plan to make life on the island a little more civilized - and it just might work.

Raised by Another

Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Dec 1, 2004

Raised by Another

Jack, Kate and Charlie wonder if Claire's disturbing nightmares might be coming true to threaten her life and the life of her unborn child, and a missing castaway returns with frightening news about what lies just beyond the mountains.

All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues

Episode: 1x11 | Airdate: Dec 8, 2004

All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues

Survivors wonder why Charlie and the pregnant Claire have been abducted - and by whom -- and a search party ventures into the treacherous jungle to try to find and rescue the missing duo. Meanwhile, inner-demons about his father resurface for Jack, and Boone and Locke discover another island mystery.

Whatever the Case May Be

Episode: 1x12 | Airdate: Jan 5, 2005

Whatever the Case May Be

Jack, Kate and Sawyer fight over possession of a newly discovered locked metal briefcase which might contain insights into Kate's mysterious past. Meanwhile, Sayid asks a reluctant Shannon to translate notes he took from the French woman, a rising tide threatens to engulf the fuselage and the entire beach encampment, and Rose and a grieving Charlie tentatively bond over Claire's baffling disappearance.

Hearts and Minds

Episode: 1x13 | Airdate: Jan 12, 2005

Hearts and Minds

When Locke learns that Boone wants to tell their "secret" to Shannon, Shannon's life is placed in sudden peril, and the shocking truth about her past with Boone is revealed. Meanwhile, Kate is puzzled by Sun's mysterious behavior, and a hungry Hurley must repay a debt to Jin.


Episode: 1x14 | Airdate: Jan 19, 2005


Violence ensues and a mysterious island beast makes a re-appearance when Michael and Locke clash over Walt's upbringing. Meanwhile, Charlie is tempted to read the missing Claire's diary, and Sayid enlists Shannon to help decipher the French woman's map.


Episode: 1x15 | Airdate: Feb 9, 2005


After the missing Claire returns with no recollection of what has happened since before the doomed flight of Oceanic 815, Jack and Locke formulate a plan of defense against her kidnapper, the mysterious Ethan, who threatens to kill off the other survivors unless Claire is returned to him.


Episode: 1x16 | Airdate: Feb 16, 2005


Kate and Sawyer divulge dark secrets to each other while tracking a renegade boar that Sawyer swears is purposely harassing him. Meanwhile, Hurley and Sayid worry that Charlie is losing it after his brush with death, and a shocking, prior connection between Sawyer and Jack is revealed.

...In Translation

Episode: 1x17 | Airdate: Feb 23, 2005

...In Translation

When the raft the survivors have been building mysteriously burns down, Michael is convinced that Jin is responsible for the sabotage, which only further escalates their rivalry. Meanwhile, Sun stuns her fellow survivors with a surprising revelation, and Boone gives Sayid a warning about Shannon.


Episode: 1x18 | Airdate: Mar 2, 2005


When Hurley becomes obsessed with the French woman and heads into the jungle to find her, Jack, Sayid and Charlie have no choice but to follow. Meanwhile, Locke asks Claire to help build a mysterious item.

Deus ex Machina

Episode: 1x19 | Airdate: Mar 30, 2005

Deus ex Machina

Boone becomes concerned when Locke suffers physical problems while they try to find a way into the mysterious hatch. Meanwhile, Jack is reluctant to help when Sawyer starts to experience excruciating headaches, and Michael and Jin struggle to communicate while working together on the raft.

Do No Harm

Episode: 1x20 | Airdate: Apr 6, 2005

Do No Harm

Claire goes into labor while a helpless Charlie goes into panic mode. Meanwhile Locke is missing, Jack tends to a wounded survivor and Sayid presents Shannon with a romantic surprise.

The Greater Good

Episode: 1x21 | Airdate: May 4, 2005

The Greater Good

After burying one of their own, tempers flare as the castaways' suspicions of each other grow -- and an unlikely survivor vows revenge. Meanwhile, Claire and Charlie struggle to calm her newborn.

Born to Run

Episode: 1x22 | Airdate: May 11, 2005

Born to Run

Jack suspects foul play when Michael becomes violently ill while building the raft. Meanwhile a secret from Kate's past is revealed, the mysterious hatch is shown to a few of the survivors, and Walt gives Locke a warning.

Exodus (1)

Episode: 1x23 | Airdate: May 18, 2005

Exodus (1)

The French woman -- Rousseau -- shocks the survivors by showing up with a dire warning about "the others." Meanwhile, Michael and Jin ready the raft for sailing.

Exodus (2)

Episode: 1x24 | Airdate: May 25, 2005

Exodus (2)

The castaways on the raft are surprised at sea by something they didn't expect. Meanwhile, remaining islanders try to blow open the hatch, and a visitor to the encampment might be a threat to Claire's infant son.

Exodus (3)

Episode: 1x25 | Airdate: May 25, 2005

Exodus (3)

The castaways on the raft are surprised at sea by something they didn't expect. Meanwhile, remaining islanders try to blow open the hatch, and a visitor to the encampment might be a threat to Claire's infant son,.

Season 2

Man of Science, Man of Faith

Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Sep 21, 2005

Man of Science, Man of Faith

In the season premiere episode, "Man of Science, Man of Faith," one of the castaways is chosen to descend into the mysterious hatch, and Shannon stumbles upon a shockingly familiar face in the jungle.


Episode: 2x02 | Airdate: Sep 28, 2005


With the abduction of Walt fresh on their minds and their raft destroyed, Michael, Sawyer and Jin fight for their lives and discover a new predator in the roiling ocean. Meanwhile on land, Locke must descend into the hatch when one castaway goes missing inside.


Episode: 2x03 | Airdate: Oct 5, 2005


Jack, Locke and Kate learn more secrets about the hatch. Meanwhile, after being beaten and taken captive, Sawyer, Michael and Jin wonder if their captors are fellow survivors or the dreaded "Others."

Everybody Hates Hugo

Episode: 2x04 | Airdate: Oct 12, 2005

Everybody Hates Hugo

Disturbing memories from Hurley's past cause him to struggle with a task he's assigned inside the hatch. Meanwhile Sawyer, Michael and Jin discover the identities of their captors, and Claire uncovers a shocking piece of information about the fate of the raft.

...And Found

Episode: 2x05 | Airdate: Oct 19, 2005

...And Found

Michael sets off into the jungle by himself determined to find Walt, but discovers that he is not alone. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Jin are ordered by their captors to take them to their camp, and Sun frantically searches for her missing wedding ring.


Episode: 2x06 | Airdate: Nov 9, 2005


Sawyer's wound becomes life-threatening as he, Michael and Jin make their way through the interior of the island with the tail section survivors. Meanwhile, Shannon is once again haunted by visions of Walt, and Charlie becomes jealous of Locke's interest in Claire.

The Other 48 Days

Episode: 2x07 | Airdate: Nov 16, 2005

The Other 48 Days

The harrowing first 48 days in the lives of the tail section survivors are revealed.


Episode: 2x08 | Airdate: Nov 23, 2005


Tempers flare when Ana Lucia and her group stumble upon Sayid and the other castaways.

What Kate Did

Episode: 2x09 | Airdate: Nov 30, 2005

What Kate Did

Kate's original crime that started her life on the run is revealed. Meanwhile, the survivors lay one of their own to rest, Kate sleeplessly watches over a feverish Sawyer, and Mr. Eko has a surprise for Locke regarding the hatch.

The 23rd Psalm

Episode: 2x10 | Airdate: Jan 11, 2006

The 23rd Psalm

Mr. Eko interrogates Charlie about the Virgin Mary statue, Claire begins to lose faith in Charlie when she discovers his secret, and Jack is an interested observer when Kate gives the recovering Sawyer a much-needed haircut.

The Hunting Party

Episode: 2x11 | Airdate: Jan 18, 2006

The Hunting Party

Jack, Locke and Sawyer pursue a determined Michael after he heads into the jungle toward the dreaded "Others" in search of Walt. Meanwhile, Sun has a surprising reaction to Jin's desire to join the search party, and Hurley and Charlie commiserate over the age-old- conundrum of what women want.

Fire + Water

Episode: 2x12 | Airdate: Jan 25, 2006

Fire + Water

When Charlie's vividly surreal dreams lead him to believe Claire's baby, Aaron, is in danger, Locke suspects Charlie may be using again. Meanwhile, Sawyer encourages Hurley to act on his attraction to Libby.

The Long Con

Episode: 2x13 | Airdate: Feb 8, 2006

The Long Con

The survivors fear that "The Others" may have returned when Sun is injured during a failed kidnapping attempt. Meanwhile, Sawyer is an amused but highly interested bystander when tension escalates between Jack, Locke, Kate and Ana Lucia.

One of Them

Episode: 2x14 | Airdate: Feb 15, 2006

One of Them

When Rousseau leads Sayid to a mysterious captive in the jungle, he becomes determined to find out if he is one of the "Others". Meanwhile, Sawyer discovers Hurley's potentially devastating breech of the survivors - trust and blackmails him into helping track an elusive island creature that won't leave Sawyer alone

Maternity Leave

Episode: 2x15 | Airdate: Mar 1, 2006

Maternity Leave

A desperate Claire, along with Kate and Rousseau, attempts a return to the scene of her kidnapping where she believes she might find the cure for Baby Aaron's mysterious illness. Meanwhile, Jack and Locke must keep their prisoner a secret from the rest of the survivors.

The Whole Truth

Episode: 2x16 | Airdate: Mar 22, 2006

The Whole Truth

Sun wrestles with the thought of telling Jin a newfound secret that threatens to upset the entire balance of the survivors' community. Meanwhile, Locke enlists Ana Lucia to interrogate the prisoner in order to extract more information than he, Jack or Sayid could.


Episode: 2x17 | Airdate: Mar 29, 2006


When the hatch suddenly takes on a life of its own, Locke is forced to enlist the help of an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie go off into the jungle to find out the truth about Henry.


Episode: 2x18 | Airdate: Apr 5, 2006


Libby lends Hurley support when he begins to think the island is having a strange effect on him, and Locke's sense of purpose is shaken when the prisoner provides new information about the hatch.


Episode: 2x19 | Airdate: Apr 12, 2006


Rose is surprisingly and vehemently opposed to Bernard's plan to create an S.O.S. signal; romantic sparks are rekindled between Jack and Kate when they trek into the jungle to propose a trade with "The Others"; and Locke begins to question his faith in the island.

Two for the Road

Episode: 2x20 | Airdate: May 3, 2006

Two for the Road

Jack and Kate bring an exhausted Michael back to the camp, and with him, news about "The Others." Meanwhile, Ana Lucia attempts to get the prisoner to confess, and Hurley plans a surprise date for Libby.


Episode: 2x21 | Airdate: May 10, 2006


Mr. Eko enlists Locke to help find a secret location he believes houses answers to the island's mysteries. Meanwhile, Jack and the other survivors struggle to cope with the horrific situation in the hatch.

Three Minutes

Episode: 2x22 | Airdate: May 17, 2006

Three Minutes

A determined Michael convinces Jack and several castaways to help him rescue Walt from "The Others". Meanwhile, Charlie struggles with Eko's decision to discontinue building the church.

Live Together, Die Alone (1)

Episode: 2x23 | Airdate: May 24, 2006

Live Together, Die Alone (1)

After discovering something odd just offshore, Jack and Sayid come up with a plan to confront "The Others" and hopefully get Walt back.

Live Together, Die Alone (2)

Episode: 2x24 | Airdate: May 24, 2006

Live Together, Die Alone (2)

Eko and Locke come to blows as Locke makes a potentially cataclysmic decision regarding the "button" and the hatch.

Season 3

A Tale of Two Cities

Episode: 3x01 | Airdate: Oct 4, 2006

A Tale of Two Cities

In the season premiere episode, "A Tale of Two Cities", Jack, Kate and Sawyer begin to discover what they are up against as prisoners of "The Others".

The Glass Ballerina

Episode: 3x02 | Airdate: Oct 11, 2006

The Glass Ballerina

Jin, Sun and Sayid worry when Jack, Kate and Sawyer make no contact with them after they have lit the signal fire. Meanwhile, the Others realize that the survivors have acquired a sailboat.

Further Instructions

Episode: 3x03 | Airdate: Oct 18, 2006

Further Instructions

The fates of Locke, Eko and Desmond are revealed after the implosion of the hatch, while Hurley returns to the beach camp to tell the tale of what happened when he, Jack, Kate and Sawyer encountered "The Others".

Every Man for Himself

Episode: 3x04 | Airdate: Oct 25, 2006

Every Man for Himself

Sawyer's rebellious attitude causes Ben and the Others to conjure a plan to keep him in check. At the beach, Desmond starts to mysteriously seek certain items for some kind of construction

The Cost of Living

Episode: 3x05 | Airdate: Nov 1, 2006

The Cost of Living

A delirious Eko wrestles with demons from his past, while Locke and some of the other castaways head back to The Pearl -- one of the Dharma Initiative's island stations -- hoping to find a computer that they can use to locate Jack, Kate and Sawyer. Meanwhile, Jack doesn't know whom to trust when two of 'The Others' seem at odds with one another.

I Do

Episode: 3x06 | Airdate: Nov 8, 2006

I Do

As Jack considers whether or not to treat Ben, he is motivated by Kate's claims that if he does not comply, Pickett will kill Sawyer

Not in Portland

Episode: 3x07 | Airdate: Feb 7, 2007

Not in Portland

While Jack is in command as the fate of Ben's life rests in his hands, Kate and Sawyer help Alex in return for a boat, and Juliet makes a shocking decision that could endanger her standing with her people.

Flashes Before Your Eyes

Episode: 3x08 | Airdate: Feb 14, 2007

Flashes Before Your Eyes

A suspicious and determined Hurley enlists Charlie to help him wrangle the truth out of Desmond, who has been acting strangely ever since the implosion of the hatch.

Stranger in a Strange Land

Episode: 3x09 | Airdate: Feb 21, 2007

Stranger in a Strange Land

A power play ensues between Jack and 'The Others' as Juliet's future hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, Kate, Sawyer and Karl continue on their journey away from 'Alcatraz.'

Tricia Tanaka is Dead

Episode: 3x10 | Airdate: Feb 28, 2007

Tricia Tanaka is Dead

Hurley's discovery of an old, wrecked car on the island leads him on a mission of hope not only for himself, but for a fellow survivor in need of some faith. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer reunite with their fellow castaways, but Kate is still torn about leaving Jack behind with "The Others."

Enter 77

Episode: 3x11 | Airdate: Mar 7, 2007

Enter 77

Locke, Sayid and Kate investigate a strange structure and its mysterious inhabitant. Meanwhile, Sawyer competes in a ping-pong competition to get back his belongings.

Par Avion

Episode: 3x12 | Airdate: Mar 14, 2007

Par Avion

Claire becomes suspicious of Charlie when he exhibits peculiar behavior after she comes up with an idea that could get everybody rescued. Meanwhile, tensions mount between Sayid and Locke as they continue their trek to rescue Jack.

The Man from Tallahassee

Episode: 3x13 | Airdate: Mar 21, 2007

The Man from Tallahassee

Ben tries to persuade a determined Locke to call off his destructive plan by offering him some of the secrets of the island, and Kate�s reunion with Jack does not go off as planned when she discovers that he has made a deal with -The Others-.


Episode: 3x14 | Airdate: Mar 28, 2007


Hurley begins to suspect that Sawyer may be involved in an island mystery surrounding two fellow survivors, and Sun learns the truth about her past kidnapping attempt by -The Others-.

Left Behind

Episode: 3x15 | Airdate: Apr 4, 2007

Left Behind

After discovering that one of her own has betrayed her to 'The Others,' Kate is left to fend for herself in the jungle with Juliet. Meanwhile, Hurley warns Sawyer to change his selfish ways and make amends with his fellow survivors or he may face a vote of banishment.

One of Us

Episode: 3x16 | Airdate: Apr 11, 2007

One of Us

Jack's joyous reunion with his fellow survivors is cut short when they realize that accompanying him is one of 'The Others,' and Claire is stricken by a mysterious, life-threatening illness.


Episode: 3x17 | Airdate: Apr 18, 2007


Desmond coaxes Charlie, Hurley and Jin on a trek across the jungle after experiencing one of his future-prophesizing "flashes" -- but is he purposely placing Charlie's life in harm's way? Meanwhile, Kate turns to an unwitting Sawyer after seeing Jack alone with Juliet.


Episode: 3x18 | Airdate: Apr 25, 2007


After discovering that all of "The Others'" pregnant women died before giving birth on the island, an extremely reticent Sun allows Juliet to examine her -- and uncovers the identity of the unborn child's father. Meanwhile, Desmond allows an unlikely nemesis to help save the life of a new, mysterious island inhabitant.

The Brig

Episode: 3x19 | Airdate: May 2, 2007

The Brig

A newly focused Locke breaks away from "The Others" in an attempt to persuade Sawyer to help rid them of a great nemesis that has caused nothing but pain in both of their lives. Meanwhile, a new island inhabitant discloses some shocking information about Oceanic Flight 815.

The Man Behind the Curtain

Episode: 3x20 | Airdate: May 9, 2007

The Man Behind the Curtain

Ben begrudgingly begins to introduce Locke to the secrets of the island, beginning with the mysterious Jacob. Meanwhile, Juliet's secret goes public.

Greatest Hits

Episode: 3x21 | Airdate: May 16, 2007

Greatest Hits

While Jack devises a plan to do away with "The Others" once and for all, Sayid uncovers a flaw in "The Others'" system that could lead to everyone's rescue. But it requires Charlie to take on a dangerous task that may make Desmond's premonition come true.

Through the Looking Glass (1)

Episode: 3x22 | Airdate: May 23, 2007

Through the Looking Glass (1)

Jack and the castaways begin their efforts to make contact with Naomi's rescue ship.

Through the Looking Glass (2)

Episode: 3x23 | Airdate: May 23, 2007

Through the Looking Glass (2)

Ben confronts Jack, claiming that Naomi is not who she seems. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Juliet try to come up with a plan to rescue the hostages at the beach. Inside the Looking Glass, Charlie and Desmond struggle to finish the mission at the underwater station.

Season 4

The Beginning of the End

Episode: 4x01 | Airdate: Jan 31, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Feeling that their rescue is close at hand, the survivors don't know whether to believe Charlie's final message that the people on the boat are not who they claim to be

Confirmed Dead

Episode: 4x02 | Airdate: Feb 7, 2008

Confirmed Dead

The survivors begin to question the intentions of their supposed rescuers when four strangers arrive on the Island.

The Economist

Episode: 4x03 | Airdate: Feb 14, 2008

The Economist

Locke's hostage may be the key to getting off the island, so Sayid and Kate go in search of their fellow castaway in an attempt to negotiate a peaceful deal.


Episode: 4x04 | Airdate: Feb 21, 2008


Kate's need to get information out of the hostage may jeopardize her standing with Locke -- as well as with Sawyer.

The Constant

Episode: 4x05 | Airdate: Feb 28, 2008

The Constant

Sayid and Desmond hit a bit of turbulence on the way to the freighter, which causes Desmond to experience some unexpected side effects.

The Other Woman

Episode: 4x06 | Airdate: Mar 6, 2008

The Other Woman

Juliet receives an unwelcome visit from someone from her past and is given orders to track down Charlotte and Faraday in order to stop them from completing their mission -- by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Ben offers Locke an enticing deal.

Ji Yeon

Episode: 4x07 | Airdate: Mar 13, 2008

Ji Yeon

Juliet is forced to reveal some startling news to Jin when Sun threatens to move to Locke's camp. Meanwhile, Sayid and Desmond begin to get an idea of the freighter crew's mission when they meet the ship's Captain.

Meet Kevin Johnson

Episode: 4x08 | Airdate: Mar 20, 2008

Meet Kevin Johnson

Sayid confronts Ben's spy on the freighter, and Ben urges daughter Alex to flee Locke's camp in order to survive an impending attack.

The Shape of Things to Come

Episode: 4x09 | Airdate: Apr 24, 2008

The Shape of Things to Come

Ben is forced to make a choice as Keamy and his team launch their attack on the Barracks, while a body washes ashore at the beach.

Something Nice Back Home

Episode: 4x10 | Airdate: May 1, 2008

Something Nice Back Home

Kate and Juliet must learn to work together when Jack's health is seriously compromised. Something goes wrong as Sawyer, Claire, Aaron and Miles continue their trek away from Locke's camp and back to the beach.

Cabin Fever

Episode: 4x11 | Airdate: May 8, 2008

Cabin Fever

Locke is enlightened as to the whereabouts of Jacob's cabin, and life aboard the freighter becomes perilous.

There's No Place Like Home (2)

Episode: 4x13 | Airdate: May 29, 2008

There's No Place Like Home (2)

The face-off between the survivors and the freighter people continues, and the Oceanic Six find themselves closer to rescue.

There's No Place Like Home (3)

Episode: 4x14 | Airdate: May 29, 2008

There's No Place Like Home (3)

As the face-off between the survivors and the freighter people continues, the Oceanic Six find themselves closer to rescue.

Season 5

Because You Left

Episode: 5x01 | Airdate: Jan 21, 2009

Because You Left

Ben's actions cause chaos and disappearances on the island. Jack is elisted to gather the Oceanic Six and return to the island.....including John Locke. Kate receives a visit from an attorney.

The Lie

Episode: 5x02 | Airdate: Jan 21, 2009

The Lie

The remaining survivors start to feel the effects of the Island being moved.

Hurley tries to help a wounded Sayid as Jack and Ben continue to try to reunite the Oceanic Six


Episode: 5x03 | Airdate: Jan 28, 2009


Desmond goes in search of a woman who could be the key to helping Faraday stop the island's erratic movements through time, and Locke discovers the identity of the unknown forces who have been attacking the survivors.

The Little Prince

Episode: 5x04 | Airdate: Feb 4, 2009

The Little Prince

Kate discovers that someone knows the secret of Aaron's true parental lineage. Meanwhile, the dramatic shifts through time are placing the lives of the remaining island survivors in extreme peril.

This Place is Death

Episode: 5x05 | Airdate: Feb 11, 2009

This Place is Death

Locke takes on the burden to stop the island's increasingly violent shifts through time. Meanwhile, Ben hits a roadblock in his attempt to reunite the Oceanic 6 and bring them back to the island.


Episode: 5x06 | Airdate: Feb 18, 2009


The way back to the island is revealed to members of the Oceanic 6, but there's trouble ahead when not all of them wish to return.


Episode: 5x08 | Airdate: Mar 4, 2009


Sawyer perpetuates a lie with some of the other island survivors in order to protect themselves from mistakes of the past.


Episode: 5x09 | Airdate: Mar 18, 2009


When some old friends drop in unannounced, Sawyer is forced to further perpetuate his lie in order to protect them.

He's Our You

Episode: 5x10 | Airdate: Mar 25, 2009

He's Our You

Things begin to unravel when one of the survivors goes rogue and takes matters into their own hands -- risking the lives of everyone on the island

Whatever Happened, Happened

Episode: 5x11 | Airdate: Apr 1, 2009

Whatever Happened, Happened

Kate goes to extreme measures to save Ben's life when Jack refuses to help. Meanwhile, Kate begins to tell the truth about the lie in order to protect Aaron.

Dead is Dead

Episode: 5x12 | Airdate: Apr 8, 2009

Dead is Dead

To atone for sins of the past, Ben must attempt to summon the smoke monster in order to be judged.

Some Like It Hoth

Episode: 5x13 | Airdate: Apr 15, 2009

Some Like It Hoth

Suspicions about a possible breach intensify after Ben is taken from the infirmary, and a reluctant Miles is forced to work with Hurley when he's asked to deliver an important package to a top Dharma official.

The Variable

Episode: 5x14 | Airdate: Apr 29, 2009

The Variable

On the 100th episode milestone for the series, the time of reckoning has begun when Daniel Faraday comes clean regarding what he knows about the island.

Follow the Leader

Episode: 5x15 | Airdate: May 6, 2009

Follow the Leader

Jack and Kate find themselves at odds over the direction to take to save their fellow island survivors, Locke further solidifies his stance as leader of "The Others," and Sawyer and Juliet come under scrutiny from the Dharma Initiative.

The Incident (1)

Episode: 5x16 | Airdate: May 13, 2009

The Incident (1)

Jack's decision to put a plan in action in order to set things right on the island is met with some strong resistance by those close to him, and Locke assigns Ben a difficult task.

The Incident (2)

Episode: 5x17 | Airdate: May 13, 2009

The Incident (2)

At the site of the Taweret statue remains, Locke assigns Ben a difficult task that involves Jacob's fate. 

Season 6

LA X (1)

Episode: 6x01 | Airdate: Feb 2, 2010

LA X (1)

The hydrogen bomb's fallout divides the group in more ways than one. Ben takes drastic action and makes an eye-opening discovery.

LA X (2)

Episode: 6x02 | Airdate: Feb 2, 2010

LA X (2)

Those on the island face the aftermath of the explosion. The Man in Black's motives and the reason for his startling reappearance become clearer.

What Kate Does

Episode: 6x03 | Airdate: Feb 9, 2010

What Kate Does

Kate finds herself on the run, while Jack is tasked with something that could endanger a friend's life.

The Substitute

Episode: 6x04 | Airdate: Feb 16, 2010

The Substitute

Locke goes in search of help to further his cause.


Episode: 6x05 | Airdate: Feb 23, 2010


Hurley must convince Jack to accompany him on an unspecified mission, and Jin stumbles across an old friend.


Episode: 6x06 | Airdate: Mar 2, 2010


Sayid is faced with a difficult decision, and Claire sends a warning to the temple inhabitants.

Dr. Linus

Episode: 6x07 | Airdate: Mar 9, 2010

Dr. Linus

Ben deals with the consequences of an uncovered lie.


Episode: 6x08 | Airdate: Mar 16, 2010


Locke tasks Sawyer with a mission.

Ab Aeterno

Episode: 6x09 | Airdate: Mar 23, 2010

Ab Aeterno

Richard Alpert faces a difficult choice.

The Package

Episode: 6x10 | Airdate: Mar 30, 2010

The Package

Sun and Jin desperately continue their search for one another, and Locke confronts his enemy.

Happily Ever After

Episode: 6x11 | Airdate: Apr 6, 2010

Happily Ever After

Desmond wakes up to discover he's back on the island.

Everybody Loves Hugo

Episode: 6x12 | Airdate: Apr 13, 2010

Everybody Loves Hugo

Hurley agonizes over what the group should do next, and Locke is curious about the new arrival to his camp.

The Last Recruit

Episode: 6x13 | Airdate: Apr 20, 2010

The Last Recruit

Alliances are forged and broken as the Locke and Jack camps merge.

The Candidate

Episode: 6x14 | Airdate: May 4, 2010

The Candidate

Jack must decide whether or not to trust Locke after he is asked to follow through on a difficult task.

Across the Sea

Episode: 6x15 | Airdate: May 11, 2010

Across the Sea

The motives of John Locke are finally explained.

What They Died For

Episode: 6x16 | Airdate: May 18, 2010

What They Died For

While Locke devises a new strategy, Jack's group searches for Desmond.

The End (1)

Episode: 6x17 | Airdate: May 23, 2010

The End (1)

The ABC "Lost" Series Finale event is set to kick off with the airing of "Pilot, Parts 1 & 2," an enhanced version of the two-hour pilot of the series that changed the way viewers watch television. The enhanced pilot will feature exclusive insight with the cast saying goodbye to the groundbreaking series and talking about what "Lost" has meant to them over the years.

In the actual episode ("The End part 1"):

Locke searches for Desmond to achieve his goal of destroying the island. Jack, the newly-appointed "protector" of the island, sets out to stop him. In Los Angeles, the survivors slowly reunite and recall their island experiences. 

The End (2)

Episode: 6x18 | Airdate: May 23, 2010

The End (2)

Locke puts his plan into action, which could liberate him from the island. 


The Journey

Episode: S01 Special | Airdate: Apr 27, 2005

The Journey

Destination Lost

Episode: S02 Special | Airdate: Sep 21, 2005

Destination Lost

ABC once again invites new and avid "Lost" viewers to take another look at one of the most talked about shows. "Destination Lost" will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating - in anticipation of the series' second season premiere. From the back stories of some of the most interesting characters on television to the mysteries of the island, "Destination Lost" will provide an insightful glimpse into the lives of some of the survivors of the doomed Oceanic Airlines flight 815.


Episode: S02 Special | Airdate: Jan 11, 2006


Peter Coyote narrates the story of the survivors of Oceanic flight 815. The leader of the tail-end survivors, Ana Lucia, is forced to get her group inland to escape the ruthless 'others'. Meanwhile, the fuselage survivors have to deal with heavily pregnant woman, a mysterious stranger and the discovery of a hatch in the jungle.


Episode: S02 Special | Airdate: Apr 26, 2006


The Answers

Episode: S03 Special | Airdate: May 17, 2007

The Answers

Past, Present & Future

Episode: S04 Special | Airdate: Jan 31, 2008

Past, Present & Future

ABC once again invites new and avid "Lost" viewers to take another look at one of the most talked about and critically acclaimed shows. "LOST: Past, Present & Future" will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating - in anticipation of the fourth season premiere episode. The special will take an in-depth look at the mysteries of both the island and its inhabitants and recap the secrets that have been revealed, as well as those that remain unanswered. "

Destiny Calls

Episode: S05 Special | Airdate: Jan 21, 2009

Destiny Calls

ABC once again invites new and avid "Lost" viewers to take another look at one of the most talked about and critically acclaimed shows. "Lost Clip Show" (working title) will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating - in anticipation of the two-hour fifth season premiere. The special will take an in-depth look at the mysteries of the island, its inhabitants, the Oceanic 6, outside influences such as Charles Widmore, and also delve into some of the questions that have been answered, and others that still remain a mystery.

A Journey in Time

Episode: S05 Special | Airdate: May 13, 2009

A Journey in Time

ABC once again invites new and avid "Lost" viewers to take another look at one of the most talked about and critically acclaimed shows. "Lost: A Journey in Time" will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating - in discovering how the Oceanic 6 were able to get back to the island, what happened to the survivors left behind during the three years after Ben moved the island, and the fate of Locke.

The Final Journey

Episode: S06 Special | Airdate: May 23, 2010

The Final Journey

ABC invites new and avid "Lost" viewers to take a final glance at one of television's most talked about and critically acclaimed shows. The "Lost" Series Finale Event begins with this two-hour special, which takes a retrospective look back over the past six seasons of this groundbreaking series.

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